ACTIVE LISTENING – Focused Attention and Understanding for a Deeper Connection

By: Adam Nisenson, LMFT, CSAT (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist) “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything.  So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” –Larry King A lot of my clients struggle with intimacy and connection with their partners or others they love. One …

ACTIVE LISTENING – Focused Attention and Understanding for a Deeper Connection Read More »

Man Reading Newspaper

Man Up: Be You and Speak Your Truth

It’s important to know what you stand for, how you see the world, and how the world sees you. It’s the outward manifestation of what is meant by being “a good man.” If all the turmoil, division, and hate we see swirling around in the world we see on the news and in social media is an accurate depiction of the society at large, certainly “good men” are what our world is in need of.

Raw, Masculine Emotion: The Truth About Men and Tears

Raw, Masculine Emotion: The Truth About Men and Tears

Boys don’t cry. How many times has this stereotypical, patriarchal notion been reinforced throughout your life? Parents, coaches, society at large—the concept that a man expressing his emotions or exposing the slightest sign of vulnerability, pain, or sadness is tantamount to weakness is one that seems to endure.