It’s an understatement that being a man is hard.

We live in conflicting times when many men are chastised for any sign that might be perceived as weakness. Many men are reluctant to ask for help, refusing to acknowledge past wounds that obstruct reaching their deepest potential.

Are you willing to open your heart and acquaint yourself with what has been lost, suppressed, or undiscovered … your true, authentic self? This inward journey is what I like to call “men’s work.”

“I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and my focus is on assisting men on their journeys to well-being, discovery, being their best selves, and a return to who they really are.”

— Adam Nisenson

Sex Addiction

Sex Addiction

A common belief is that sexual addiction is not a “real” disorder, that it simply means wanting to have sex a lot, and that recovery is hopeless. I’m here to tell you none of those things are true.

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy estimates that sex addiction affects anywhere from 12 to 30 million adults in the U.S. It’s a tragic and destructive disorder that can affect self-esteem, ruin relationships, create job loss, cause financial hardship, and even lead to incarceration.

It’s real and you can recover from its devastating effects.

Men's Issues

What does it mean to be a man? Is there a rulebook? Is there a checklist to go by? Most of us men were taught at a young age to ignore our feelings and hide what we really feel. We learned that men are supposed to be tough and independent. But behind the tough façade, many men suffer deep, emotional pain. Rather than asking themselves why they feel emotional pain and ask for help, men are more likely to suffer in silence.

The real meaning of “man up” doesn’t come from antiquated notions of aggression and misogyny, but through compassion, empathy, and encouragement.

“Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.”

—Anne Wilson Schaef, PhD

Let's work together.

My practice is devoted exclusively to men’s issues; specifically, those issues about life challenges and sexual addiction. If you’re struggling or feel stuck in your life, wondering what it means to be a man, or are looking to heal from past wounds and fears, know that I’m on your team; that all problems are surmountable; that attitudes, behaviors, and feelings are not fixed in stone, and that you have so much more power and ability to make life everything that you desire then you ever thought possible.

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